Willing to pause for
an engagement-free consultation
A true partner to refresh & renew through challenging times
We aim at giving professionals the space & resources that are needed to refresh and renew in times of professional challenges, change of territory or organisational transformation.
Have you noticed that some worklife events can be energy intensive & tend to revive our old defensive mechanisms. While our system is in survival mode, we are less open to new ways and opportunities. At that moment, many of our resources are out of hand & get wasted!
Remote or hybrid working, on-boarding a new organisation, going through several organisational changes, moving from country to country or going for a new career path are just a few of those territorial change experiences that can be both boosting & exhausting.
We have been there! That is why we love to accompany our clients right there!
We love to witness you seeing more clearly, feeling grounded, legitimate and just contagiously positive.
Think you would you benefit from an engagement-free conversation?
Collective intelligence
Professional Mobility
What you will find in E | O’ s coaching style :
A multi cultural exposure & border-free mindedness
A humanistic global approach combined with corporate and business experience
Concrete techniques & assessments to support you in reaching your desired state
A blend of approaches in the coaching experience including on-line support resources
The founder’s words
” EIO was founded with one main intention and obsession: supporting professionals in accessing their renewal capacity.
In our current work environments, our compliance behaviours get highly solicited. Attention gets focused on delivering results.
At the same time, looking ahead takes us to see the urge for deep changes in the way we produce value and collaborate.
Lack of visibility and confusion are in the way.
More than ever we need to access both our wisdom and our more crazy creative dimension.”
Céline Lallemand Williams,
Founder, certified Global Executive Coach (HEC Paris), ICF accredited (ACC). Msc in HR Management & Development, MBA from Neoma Business School, B.A(hons) in Social Sciences.
Always E with O
Here is what drives E | O. Making opposites meet. Alternating reflection & action. Being inside and outside.
Associating wisdom and creativity.
Enhanced self- awareness
The E side of E|O represents Stability and Serenity.
By re-connecting to our foundations, we develop our capacity
- to act with awareness
- to actualise perceptions
- to regenerate.
It is the renewal part of the coaching experience.
A recovery time that is needed to act more intentionally with a deeper connection.
E for Inner Strength & Stability
in your flow
less energy & new outcomes
The O side of E|O is about movement as well as an invitation to accept the way things are, to welcome multiple perceptions and to experiment with different ways to connect to situations.
Broadening perspectives, enlarging possibilities is also about developing the awareness of our own diversity.
One of E|O ‘s promises is to help you act in your flow by leveraging your talents and resourcefulness in new situations.
To highlight and activate your own diversity, we rely on our broadness of experience and we practice our mental flexibility.
You will be stimulated to sense, capture and transfer.
Here is our difference.
Our scope of intervention :
Stress management & Change
Retrouver sérénité, accès à ses ressources et clarté de vision en période de défis professionnels et transformation de l’entreprise.
Population: Entrepreneurs, Cadres Dirigeants, Responsables Projets et Responsables d’Equipes.
Job on-boarding
Ajustement à une culture d’entreprise et/ou culture pays et acquisition de repères pour naviguer efficacement dans le nouvel environnement de travail.
Population: Dirigeants en prise de poste, Postes d’encadrement, Expatriés.
Mentoring & Mindset
Positionnement d’un dispositif mentorat en vue de l’accompagnement d’un changement culturel.
Population: Cadres Dirigeants, DRH, Direction Développement RH. Directions Générales.
Management practices & mindset
Développement des attitudes et compétences managériales en abordant une cible de thèmes en cohérence avec le changement visé.
Population: Directeurs, Responsables Projets, Responsables d’équipes, Animateurs de Réseaux.
Job Transition
Coaching individuel et peer coaching en préparation ou en accompagnement d’un projet de reconversion professionnelle ou changement de métier.
Cross-cultural collaboration
Développement de la conscience de soi et de son rapport à l’altérité.
Formation et mise à disposition de ressources pour appréhender objectivement les différences personnelles et culturelles dans la collaboration et la communication.
Population: Responsables de projets transversaux, Expatriés, Manager d’équipes multi-culturelles.
manager's presence
Un accompagnement qui vise une nouvelle dynamique entre le manager et ses équipes.
Coaching individuel et orientation de l’évaluation 360 vers le nouveau positionnement.
Population: Directeurs, Responsables Opérationnels et Fonctionnels, Fonctions Managériales à enjeu.
our commitment :
A network of multicultural business coaches, in a process of continuous learning and committed to deliver coaching services with respect to the ethics of the coaching profession.
The exposure to the diversity of our world via a living ecosystem of partners, experts & clients.
We operate in the corporate, academic and associative worlds.
Our Partners :
our engagement :
contact us
Moulin de Moinet
85 110 La Jaudonnière, Vendée. France.
+33 (0) 6 75 20 24 18
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